Essential oils & low-tox living.



I’m so happy you’re here!

If you’re looking to grab some essential oils or are interested in tips and inspo on low-tox living, you’re in the right place! I am passionate about making proactive choices for our health, especially when it comes to reducing the toxic burden on our bodies and creating a healthy, low-tox home.

Oli Wellness was born out of my own personal struggle with a 15+ year auto-immune condition. In 2020, I found relief from my long-time battle with rosacea after a six month heavy metal detox and I vowed to do my best to keep toxins and harsh chemicals out of our home from that point on. I wish I had known years before how the cumulative build up of toxins and heavy metals was having a negative effect on my skin!

Now, my passion is to help make natural, low-tox living simple and easy for all families while helping moms find purposeful, remote, flexible work through Young Living’s business opportunity. The choices we make today will affect our health and our wealth tomorrow!